Last week, Nifty IT index witnessed a gain of about 3.5%. However, in the calendar year 2022 so far, the index is down about 27% and its constituents have fallen over 14 per cent. If the index stocks start moving in an upward direction then it will be a very interesting sector to watch out for.”With the US economy heading towards a soft landing and IT companies under margin pressure due to high wages, stocks are taking the beating. They are still not inside the attractive valuation zone. However, 5-10% more correction and they will again start attracting investors’ interest,” said Siddarth Bhamre, Head of Research, Religare Broking Limited.Here are 7 stocks from the sector that are still trading at least 50% away from their 52-week high price.
Mahi Madhusudan Kela, Authum Investment offer to buy Prataap Snacks 26% stake at Rs 865.66 per share
Prataap Snacks has received an open offer from Authum Investment & Infrastructure and Mahi Madhusudan Kela to acquire 26.01% equity at ₹865.66 per share, totaling