Indian benchmark indices closed in the green on Friday aided by pharma and auto stocks. While Nifty finished at 24,131.10, gaining 216.95 points or 0.91%, the 30-stock S&P BSE Sensex settled at 79,802.79, higher by 759.05 points or 0.96%. This week was marked by consolidation as prices remained range-bound after Monday’s gap-up, Rajesh Bhosale, Equity Technical Analyst at Angel One said. Decoding the daily chart, he said that a defined range has emerged with the support base shifting higher to the 24,000–23,900 zone while on the flip side, the 50 DEMA and 89 DEMA continue to act as a formidable resistance around the 24,350–24,400 zone. Here are 7 stock recommendations for Monday:
Neville Noronha quits Avenue Supermarts, Unilever’s Anshul Asawa to be new CEO
Neville Noronha, CEO of Avenue Supermarts, will not renew his contract ending in January 2026 after leading the company for over two decades. Anshul Asawa