India’s benchmark indices logged their worst week in three months on Friday, amid concerns over US recession fear, dragged by banking and IT stocks. The S&P BSE Sensex closed 1.24% lower at 81.183, while the NSE Nifty50 ended below the 24,900 mark.”The short-term uptrend of Nifty seems to have reversed down and the market is expected to shift into near term downward correction ahead. Having broken below the immediate support at 25000 levels, the next lower support is placed around 24500. Immediate resistance is at 25050,” said Nagaraj Shetti, Senior Technical Research Analyst at HDFC Securities. Here are 6 stock recommendations for Monday:
Jefferies views IndiGo as unique and strong franchise, raises target price to Rs 5,260
The IndiGo stock has underperformed following a significant miss in the company’s 2Q results, driven by higher costs impacting profitability. However, Jefferies expects cost normalization