During Friday’s trading session, the Sensex benchmark index gained around 364 points, ending the day at 65,996. Amid this upward movement, 6 stocks listed on the BSE Commodities Index reached their highest price in the last 52 weeks. The 52-week high is of considerable importance to particular traders and investors, as it serves as a crucial technical indicator for assessing a stock’s current worth and forecasting potential price changes. This figure signifies the highest price at which a stock traded throughout the previous year
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: PAT jumps 68% YoY to Rs 724 crore, total income grows 17%
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: On a sequential basis, the net profit grew by 4.4% to Rs 694 crore in Q3FY25, while revenue rose 0.55% from