CLSA and Kotak have recommended buying shares, while Nuvama suggests holding them, after Hindalco Industries reported a 48% drop in its Q4FY23 standalone net profit to Rs 832 crore. The consolidated PAT fell 37% YoY to Rs 2,411 crore, while revenue rose 5% YoY to Rs 55,857 crore. Despite the fall, outlook and leverage remain low, CLSA noted in its report, while Kotak trimmed its EBITDA estimate by 2.3%/0.3% for FY2024/25E, despite optimism that the stock remains inexpensive at 5.4X EV/EBITDA FY2025E.
Godrej Consumer shares drop 3% after Q3 PAT drops 14%. What should investors do?
Godrej Consumer Products shares fell 3.3% following a 14.2% YoY drop in Q3 FY25 net profit to Rs 498.31 crore. Revenue from operations grew 3.5%