Experts predict that Info Edge, a company in the consumer services industry, could surpass Rs 4,000-4,400 levels despite a 16% drop from August 2022 highs that saw it close at Rs 3,890 on 22 May 2023. The stock bounced back from its short-term moving average and is trading above 5,10,20 and 30-day moving averages, indicating the upward trend is likely to persist. Furthermore, the breakout level from the head and shoulder pattern at Rs 3,580 is now an important support level and traders are advised to buy now or on slight dips for short-to-medium term gains.
Tech View: Nifty faces crucial resistance at 23,500; breakout needed to negate bearish sentiment. How to trade on Friday
Hardik Matalia of Choice Broking warns that if the Nifty breaks below the crucial 23,000 support level, it could fall further to 22,500. To negate