In India, over 50% of mutual fund units of regular plans were sold or redeemed within one year, according to a recent report by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The regulator has proposed changes to total expense ratio (TER), including capping fees by up to 2.55% for equity schemes and a lower commission rate to discourage churning, potentially driven by mis-selling. While some attribute the high turnover of mutual fund investors to India’s lure of quick money from market hype or misinformation, other industry insiders believe it is a result of an early learning curve.
Tech View: Nifty faces crucial resistance at 23,500; breakout needed to negate bearish sentiment. How to trade on Friday
Hardik Matalia of Choice Broking warns that if the Nifty breaks below the crucial 23,000 support level, it could fall further to 22,500. To negate