The Indian market closed flat but positive on Tuesday for the third consecutive day. Sectorally, utility, power, oil and gas, and energy stocks witnessed buying, while capital goods, IT, and realty stocks saw selling. Adani Enterprises surged over 13%, India Oil Corporation hit a 52-week high, and Balkrishna Industries rose over 5% on Tuesday. Viral Chheda, Sr. Technical Analyst at SSJ Finance & Securities, recommends buying Adani Enterprises and Indian Oil Corporation, while booking profits on Balkrishna Industries.
Suryoday Small Finance Bank Q3 Results: Profit slumps 42% to Rs 33 crore
Suryoday Small Finance Bank reported a 42% YoY drop in Q3 FY25 net profit to ₹33.3 crore due to higher expenses and worsening asset quality,