Indian markets closed in the green on Friday after a 3-day losing streak. Sectorally, buying was seen in IT, realty, banks, and autos while selling was visible in healthcare, consumer durables, and public sector stocks. Stocks in focus include Ramco Cements, Gland Pharma, and Adani Total Gas. Swastika Investmart’s Sr. Technical Analyst Pravesh Gour recommends buying Ramco Cements due to its breakout from an inverse head and shoulders formation and selling Gland Pharma due to a breakdown of a long consolidation formation. Adani Gas is a risky buy due to a significant price decline and it trading below its all-important moving averages.
Moody’s upgrades outlook for Bharti Airtel to Positive on improved finances
Moody’s upgraded Bharti Airtel’s outlook to ‘positive’ on improved financials and market share gains. They may raise the rating if profitability increases and regulations remain