Indian market closed in the red on Tuesday after a 2-day winning streak, following mixed global cues. The S&P BSE Sensex fell by over 400 points, while the Nifty50 closed above 18200. Buying was seen in public sector, power, and capital goods stocks, while auto, healthcare, banks, and FMCG names experienced selling. PVR Inox fell more than 2%, HUDCO increased nearly 7%, and Aurobindo Pharma closed with gains of over 4%. Analysts suggest selling PVR on the rise and buying HUDCO and Aurobindo Pharma at current levels or on dips.
Newgen Software Technologies Q3 Results: Profit rises 31% to Rs 89 crore
Tech firm Newgen Software Technologies on Monday posted a 30.8 per cent year-on-year increase in consolidated net profit to Rs 89 crore for the December