Mutual funds in India have sold shares worth INR 5,100 crore ($687m) in April, Nuvama Institutional Equities reported, while FIIs bought INR 12,400 crore worth of the stocks in the secondary market. Meanwhile, domestic investors’ equity inflows into mutual funds moderated to INR 6,500 crore, a five-month low. On a positive note, small- and mid-cap funds continued to see inflows, with a total of INR 4,000 crore in April. The retail category garnered 61% of the total inflows received into equity schemes in India, continuing the trend seen in recent months.
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: PAT jumps 68% YoY to Rs 724 crore, total income grows 17%
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: On a sequential basis, the net profit grew by 4.4% to Rs 694 crore in Q3FY25, while revenue rose 0.55% from