Morgan Stanley has maintained an overweight rating on ONGC with a target price of Rs 218 citing that the company has made two new discoveries. On the other hand, CLSA has underperformed Godrej Consumer with a target price of Rs 1000, retaining the margin improvement and category development. CLSA prefers M&M and Ultratech Cement in the auto and cement sector owing to visible signs of rural uptick. Emkay has a Buy rating on Eicher Motors, expecting a 25% FY23-25E EPS CAGR and setting a target price of Rs 4000.
Jio’s Q3 results may have disappointed, but home broadband is thriving
Reliance Jio’s Q3FY25 earnings missed expectations due to muted user additions, modest ARPU growth, and higher costs. However, Jio’s home broadband business showed strong growth,