The Indian stock markets are poised to consolidate due to muted market sentiments globally. The Nifty50 and the S&P BSE Sensex did not show positive trends on the previous day. The India VIX has been increasing during the last four sessions, leading to fluctuations in the market. Options data suggests trading ranging from 17900 to 18500 zones, and brokers have recommended stocks like Axis Bank, NTPC, Tata Power, Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail, Gujarat State Petronet, coal India, Gujarat Gas, and Hindustan Unilever for traders with a short-term outlook.
Jio’s Q3 results may have disappointed, but home broadband is thriving
Reliance Jio’s Q3FY25 earnings missed expectations due to muted user additions, modest ARPU growth, and higher costs. However, Jio’s home broadband business showed strong growth,