The S&P BSE Sensex and Nifty50 in India closed flat with a negative bias. Stocks in capital goods, healthcare, metals, and energy sectors experienced selling pressure, while consumer durables, FMCG, power, and utilities saw some buying. Ratnamani Metals rose over 6%, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories fell nearly 7%, and Firstsource Solutions closed near its 52-week high on Thursday. Technically, Amol Athawale, Deputy Vice President of Technical Research at Kotak Securities, suggests that Ratnamani Metals could experience pricing issues below 2325, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories has weak momentum, and FSL could encounter profit booking.
Jio’s Q3 results may have disappointed, but home broadband is thriving
Reliance Jio’s Q3FY25 earnings missed expectations due to muted user additions, modest ARPU growth, and higher costs. However, Jio’s home broadband business showed strong growth,