The Indian market is expected to rise on Wednesday following positive global signals, with the Sensex and the Nifty50 closing flat on Tuesday. The weekly maximum Call OI is placed at 18,300 and then towards 18,400 strikes while the maximum Put OI is placed at 18,200 and then towards 18,100 strikes. Stocks recommended by analysts with short-term horizons include Metropolis Healthcare, Laurus Labs, Chambal Fertilisers, Axis Bank, Coal India, Tata Communications, AU Small Finance Bank, Divi’s Laboratories, and Naukri.
SBI Life Q3 Results: Cons PAT surges 71% YoY to Rs 551 crore, net premium income jumps 11%
SBI Life Q3 Results: The company’s net premium income for Q3FY25 stood at Rs 24,828 crore, an 11% rise from Rs 22,316 crore in the