The Indian market rose by more than 1% on Monday with S&P BSE Sensex adding over 700 points and Nifty50 closing above 18,200 levels. The auto, realty, banks, and IT stocks witnessed a rally, while consumer durables faced selling. Equitas Small Finance Bank, L&T Finance Holdings, and DLF were some of the stocks in focus. Jatin Gohil, Technical and Derivative Research Analyst at Reliance Securities, recommends partial profit booking for Equitas Small Finance and DLF, while advising to book profits for L&T Financial Holdings.
Tech view: Lack of strength limits Nifty’s breakout potential, key support at 23,150. How to trade on Friday
Nifty’s short-term trend remains positive, but lacks strength for significant breakouts. Key resistance levels are at 23,400-23,450, while immediate support is at 23,150. Analysts suggest