Mankind Pharma is set to list on May 9 with a premium of Rs 120 apiece according to grey market trends. The company is valued at a price-to-earnings ratio of 30 times FY22 earnings and has a market capitalisation of Rs 44,000 crore. The initial share sale of the company was subscribed 15.32 times with strong interest from QIBs and is the largest IPO so far this year. The company has 25 manufacturing facilities across India, a dedicated in-house R&D centre and a team of over 600 scientists.
Zomato shares advance 7% as CLSA adds stock to ‘high conviction overweight’, raises target price to Rs 400
Zomato share price: CLSA has reiterated its bullish stance on Zomato, adding the stock to its “High Conviction Overweight” list and raising the target price