Berger Paints dropped 6% to Rs 582.8, while Asian Paints fell 4.4%. Kansai Nerolac, Akzo Nobel, and Indigo Paints also saw declines of up to 3%. Similarly, tyre stocks like Apollo Tyres, Balkrishna Industries, Ceat, Goodyear, JK Tyre, and MRF plunged by up to 4%. The fall in paint and tyre stocks is attributed to rising crude oil prices, as both sectors heavily depend on petroleum-based raw materials.
F&O Talk| Nifty trading trapped in 23,000-25,000 range with bearish long-term outlook: Rahul Ghose of
With the current market scenario, analyst Rahul Ghose, Founder of interacted with ET Markets regarding the outlook on Nifty and Bank Nifty and an