Arm’s stellar listing sets the stage for more SoftBank acquisitions

Whether or not Son resumes a feverish pace of acquisitions, having shares in Arm publicly listed will allow SoftBank to more easily use the stock as collateral, will likely improve its credit rating for better borrowing terms and help it take out the margin loans Son favours, analysts say.

Dharani Sugars bid puts ARCs on par with NARCL

Private asset reconstruction companies (ARCs) in India are now on an equal footing with the government-owned bad bank NARCL. This comes after private ARCs sought clarification on how to compute the net present value (NPV) based on the initial bid of ₹235.9 crore in the Dharani Sugars case. Banks responded by stating that the comparison […]

What to do if you have Rs 20 lakh to invest now

For moderately conservative investors, they suggest 50% exposure to equities and 50% allocation to gold and fixed income would still be a good option. Within equities, they are recommending index funds, or flexicap funds for large-cap allocations. Given the sharp run-up in mid and small cap stocks, investors should avoid lump sums in such schemes […]

Death toll from Morocco earthquake rises to 2,122

A massive earthquake that struck central Morocco has resulted in at least 2,122 deaths and 2,421 injuries, according to the Moroccan Interior Ministry. The most affected areas in the Atlas Mountains region are difficult to reach due to blocked roads, hindering rescue efforts. The World Health Organization estimates that over 300,000 people have been affected […]

Pakistan struggles to pay salaries to overseas diplomatic staff due to dollar shortage

The Pakistani government is facing a cash shortage, resulting in delayed salaries for staff at certain diplomatic missions. Press attaches and press counsellors stationed in the US, Hong Kong, and Singapore have not received salaries since June due to the country’s depleted foreign exchange reserves. This poses a significant challenge for officials in expensive cities […]

China slams UK spying reports as ‘political farce’

China has criticized media reports accusing a man arrested on suspicion of espionage of gathering intelligence for Beijing, calling the claim a “political farce.” The man was arrested in Edinburgh for spying, and the arrests have raised concerns about China’s “interference” in democracy. The Chinese embassy in London dismissed the reports as “malicious slander” and […]