Shares of PB Fintech, the parent company of Policybazaar, rose 5.6% following a significant reduction in its Q4FY23 losses to Rs 8.9 crore, compared to last year’s Rs 220 crore. Revenue from operations rose 61% YoY to Rs 869 crore. Brokerage firm Morgan Stanley gave an ‘overweight’ call on the counter, Kotak maintained an ‘add,’ and JM Financial recommended a ‘buy.’ Nuvama suggested a ‘hold’ for the stock. Morgan Stanley estimates that further premiums mobilized in the quarter were worth ~Rs40-50mn. However, contributions of such business to premiums and revenues were low.
Shareholders of Gokaldas Exports vote against ESOP resolutions
Although 63% of participating shareholders supported the resolutions, 37% voted against them. As these were special resolutions, they required at least three times more votes