The Indian market may remain stable on Monday, keeping in line with the mixed global cues. The S&P BSE Sensex increased by 300 points on Friday, and Nifty50 finished over the 18,200 level. India VIX descended by 3.91% from 12.79 to 12.30 levels, reducing the volatility and aiding the market. Options data shows the maximum Call OI at 18,200, and the maximum Put OI at 18,200. The experts suggest a broad trading range between 17,900 to 18,400 zones and an immediate trading range between 18,050 to 18,350 zones.
Moody’s upgrades outlook for Bharti Airtel to Positive on improved finances
Moody’s upgraded Bharti Airtel’s outlook to ‘positive’ on improved financials and market share gains. They may raise the rating if profitability increases and regulations remain