On Wednesday, the Indian market is expected to consolidate as per market pundits. The Sensex fell over 400 points and the Nifty50 closed below 18300 levels on Tuesday, and the India VIX rose 0.93% from 13.17 to 13.29 levels. The options data suggests a broader trading range in the 18000 to 18600 zone while an immediate trading range is within 18100 to 18450 zones. Various experts recommend Transport Corporation of India, ICICI Securities, Coal India, Tata Power, Maharashtra Seamless, Gujarat Narmada Valley, Devyani International, and Sanghi Industries for traders with a short-term horizon.
Wipro management on Q3 revenues, wage hike impact and Q4 order pipeline
Wipro’s CFO Aparna Iyer announced that the wage hike implemented in September has been fully absorbed, contributing to a Q3 operating margin of 17.5%. The