Bank of Baroda’s shares increased after reporting strong Q4 earnings, with CLSA, Kotak Institutional Equities, and Motilal Oswal rating the lender as a ‘Buy’. Meanwhile, Macquarie stood neutral after the Q4 report. The net interest income for the quarter rose by 33.8% to Rs 11,525 crore, with a YoY growth of 26.8% at Rs 41,355 crore for FY23. However, analysts have warned that RoEs are reliant on credit costs, and MOSL has cautioned that further ECL provisioning is required.
Wipro management on Q3 revenues, wage hike impact and Q4 order pipeline
Wipro’s CFO Aparna Iyer announced that the wage hike implemented in September has been fully absorbed, contributing to a Q3 operating margin of 17.5%. The