Morgan Stanley has maintained an overweight rating on ONGC with a target price of Rs 218 citing that the company has made two new discoveries. On the other hand, CLSA has underperformed Godrej Consumer with a target price of Rs 1000, retaining the margin improvement and category development. CLSA prefers M&M and Ultratech Cement in the auto and cement sector owing to visible signs of rural uptick. Emkay has a Buy rating on Eicher Motors, expecting a 25% FY23-25E EPS CAGR and setting a target price of Rs 4000.
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: PAT jumps 68% YoY to Rs 724 crore, total income grows 17%
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: On a sequential basis, the net profit grew by 4.4% to Rs 694 crore in Q3FY25, while revenue rose 0.55% from