Indian stock market is expected to trade positively on Thursday, supported by global markets. The benchmark indices, Sensex and Nifty50, gained on Wednesday with increased volatility. This week’s maximum Call OI is at 18500 and the maximum Put OI is at 18200, suggesting the market may have a trading range between 17800 to 18500 levels. Short-term traders can consider stocks like Greaves Cotton, Firstsource Solutions, CreditAccess Grameen, KEC International, Tata Communications, Divi’s Laboratories, Ambuja Cements, and Coal India with suggested targets and stop losses.
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: PAT jumps 68% YoY to Rs 724 crore, total income grows 17%
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: On a sequential basis, the net profit grew by 4.4% to Rs 694 crore in Q3FY25, while revenue rose 0.55% from