Dr Reddy’s Laboratories reported an 890% YoY surge in March quarter profit at Rs 960.1 crore but shares tumbled nearly 7% to Rs 4,545 in Thursday’s trade. While its revenue from operations increased by 15.28% YoY to Rs 5,843 crore, total expenses were down 4% at Rs 5,132.2 crore. US revenues fell 17% QoQ. Jefferies maintained its Buy rating on Dr Reddy’s Laboratories with a target price of Rs 5,650, while Prabhudas Lilladher downgraded the stock to Reduce with a revised target price of Rs 4,500 from Rs 4,900.
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: PAT jumps 68% YoY to Rs 724 crore, total income grows 17%
ICICI Lombard Q3 Results: On a sequential basis, the net profit grew by 4.4% to Rs 694 crore in Q3FY25, while revenue rose 0.55% from