The Indian market closed lower due to muted global cues, with the S&P BSE Sensex falling nearly 700 points, and Nifty50 ending near 18,000 levels. Stocks that rose were ITI, Engineers India and TVS Motor Company. Pravesh Gour, Senior Technical Analyst at Swastika Investmart Ltd, recommends that investors consider Engineers India and TVS Motor Company as buys, while ITI is a risky buy. According to the momentum indicator MACD and the RSI, both companies are showing positive signs and have a strong demand zone during any correction.
Sustained deal momentum, discretionary pick up hint at a better FY26 for Infosys
Infosys reported better-than-expected revenue and net profit growth for Q4 2024, increased its FY25 revenue guidance, and plans to hire more freshers. The steady recovery