Cipla is on track to launch key products, such as gAdvair, gAbraxane, gRevlimid and three peptide products over FY23-24, it said, adding that the US sales run-rate will improve from H2FY23, and barring COVID-19, sales performance in India continues to be robust. The brokerage firm expects a revenue CAGR of 13 per cent, an EBITDA CAGR of 21 per cent and a PAT CAGR of 28 per cent over FY22-24E.
Nestle India, Cochin Shipyard among top 10 stocks that LIC bought in Q3
LIC’s share by value in NSE-listed companies decreased to 3.51% in Q3 FY25, down from 3.59% in Q1 FY25, according to data from, an